Sunday, 30 June 2013

Xperia Rom for ZTE V790

-aroma installer!
-kernel that suport swap,ext1,ext2,ext3,ext4 partitions (Thanks to
-nano editor
-busybox instaled
-int.d enabled
-visual changed
-added some usefull apps
-and many many tweaks!

What you need:
-ZTE v790
-Recovery (if you don't have go here, download and install it)

Xperia rom V2
-Xperia v1 is still here you can download from HERE

How to install:
-Be sure that you have at least 30% battery
-Enter in cwm
-FULL WIPE(dalvik, cashe, data)!!!
-install zip from sd
-choose Xperia v2 by TaleNT!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Recovery for ZTE V790

In this post i'll show you how to install recovery on your  ZTE V790 . First you need to download CWM v4 or CWM v5, then extract to desktop open extracted folder and run recovery.bat!

If that metode not work for you can try this for CWM V4 or this for CWM v5. You will get directly in CWM recovery and you can install custom rom's, tweaks or anything you want, but after reboot you'll got the stock recovery from ZTE.

Now and CWM V6 full working.  Download!!!

Remember that to enter recovery you need to turn off your phone, and then to pres VOL+ & POW Button at same time for few secound(about 5 sec)!!!