Saturday, 8 June 2013

Recovery for ZTE V790

In this post i'll show you how to install recovery on your  ZTE V790 . First you need to download CWM v4 or CWM v5, then extract to desktop open extracted folder and run recovery.bat!

If that metode not work for you can try this for CWM V4 or this for CWM v5. You will get directly in CWM recovery and you can install custom rom's, tweaks or anything you want, but after reboot you'll got the stock recovery from ZTE.

Now and CWM V6 full working.  Download!!!

Remember that to enter recovery you need to turn off your phone, and then to pres VOL+ & POW Button at same time for few secound(about 5 sec)!!!


  1. Here I have CMW Recovery v6 (Touch sensitive version, means no more clicking the hard buttons).

    I got this from russian forum site.

    1. TNX for the reply. I will re edit the the post and include this recovery! :D

  2. Hi friend,

    I tried using the CWM v6 touch recovery on my V790 but when is ready to install the recovery it blocks.

    I need test the CWM v5.

    Regards from Portugal!

    1. Personaly i didnt tested cwm v6, but you still can try. CWM V4 and CWM v5 working and tested by me.

  3. What is the differences between V4 and V5?

    Thanks ;)

  4. On my ZTE V790 (Portugal) the results are:

    CWM V6 (Touch Version) -> Failed, not work. Reboot the phone and not pass the ZTE Logo
    CWM V5 -> Works very well. Recovery installed.

    Thanks your help...


    CWM V5 -> only result the BOOT version. Every reboot will return to the stock recovery from ZTE

    It seems the BOOT is blocked and the software not can do the installation of the new CWM.


  6. Hi mate, I have a problem with my ztev790, it is rooted, i tried installing new fonts, but after reboot it's looping boot now, what should i do? I tried installing cwm via recovery but it keeps saying installation aborted.

    1. Try yo install original firmware or install my rom :D

  7. I can't do anything in CWM recovery, how to return to stock recovery?

  8. Hi, i install your rom. But I find that the camera do not work. And I can not recover orignal V790 rom. I take the phone to ZTE Repair center, they have no way to recover the system.
    Can you help me?

    1. i have the same problem but i managed to put it back.. it is so simple, just download the stock rom from zte website, extract it copy the system folder. then if you have a custom rom except the xperia talent, just replace the system folder and zip it then flash it to your phone. Done!!

    2. me sirvio de lujo tu ayuda hermano, muchas gracias por la idea.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ypu need to have your phone connected using usb debbuging right?i tried this and reboots but get stuck on zte logo.please help-hank u

  11. Hey, how to flash back to stock recovery?

  12. hello please help me my phone can not start

  13. Hi… my ztev790 Android 4.0.4 is always restarting after a few seconds when the screan is lock. It started since i reset the factory data. i think i delete something that cause this problem and i dont have an idea on how to fix this. Please help.

  14. HI, i have problem with my zte v790 , i use rom Xperia v2 more than mount, and today i try to install another rom, download from another site found on google... but when i try to install i got error 0, after that i try install back xperia v2 but same error again... when i reboot phone... my phone wont start again no sight of life... no turn on... cant boot in CWM.. like death.. only when i connect to pc, in device manager he is like "unknown device" that is all ... any help pls?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I tried to install CWM 6 from this page and it gets stuck on erasing 'recovery'. Same with CWM 5. Any help?
